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coreamuser-Performing Arts International.

The Performing Arts bookings Agency

As an accomplished Music, theatre, dance booking Agency based in Seoul, we’ve been providing international development services for small and mid scale show since 2009. Our artists perform at a wide variety of events that fans absolutely love. Please contact us via email at or give us a call for more information. With coreamuser-Performing Arts International., your arts is guaranteed to get the recognition it deserves.

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Our work

Performing Arts International Development

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2020 Asia Tour Project

A Real Success

We’re especially proud of our work on this project, which took a team-wide effort to complete. We understand every client requires a unique strategy, and were able to draw from our diverse experiences in applying our creative approach to deliver an outcome beyond what was expected.


Edinburgh Festival Fringe

 biggest festival of arts and culture

on the planet

We loved working on this fringe festival. It gave us a chance to do something new and innovative, which required a customized approach that highlighted our client’s unique sounds and styles. By delivering our one-of-a-kind service, we achieved immense success that we’re extremely proud of, and which our clients are ecstatic about.


International Tour & Networking

Meeting the global market

Meeting global marketers was a major project for our clients. It was a huge undertaking that required a high level of participation from our clients as well. We were able to shape the way they engaged with their stakeholders, and as a result of our work, saw measurable results in their arts exposure.

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Our Clients

Variety performances selected by coreamuser

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Korean Gipsy -Sangjaru

'Korean Gipsy' expresses an artistic attitude that seeks to resemble the way gypsies used to create new cultural arts by recreating their own colors, rather than simply copying certain cultural arts in the wandering and experiencing areas.

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Written and directed by Dong I-Hyang

Theatre company DO

“It’s too dark. I can’t see anything.”
“Blackout, the power of the unlit stage is.”

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After 4

by SunHoo YOO​

HOO Dance company

“A Spectacle that’s poetic and sensitive”

– Seeing Dance - ★★★★

“Exquisite beauty, dance and music perfectly melded”

 – Broadway Baby - ★★★★

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 Monkey Dance

: The Rockappella Musical!

by Sunzoo Hong​


Music, a cappella, beatboxing and martial arts combine in a fusion
of exhilarating musical physical enjoyment for all the family.

An entirely new style of performance, direct from Korea!

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Children shows

Tiger in Blossom - The Dandelion's story - Brush

"coreamuser is great friend of children all over the world"

Get in touch if you’re ready to learn more about our services.

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